Scout Clean Energy’s Gonzaga Ridge in Merced County will provide nearly 150 megawatts of clean wind energy to 385,000 CleanPowerSF customers
SFPUC Commits to Largest Wind Development in CleanPowerSF History

Across America, clean energy plants are being banned faster than they're being built

Across America’s power grid, there’s a growing gap between what we need and what we’ll allow.
Tribe, Wind Developer Plan 60-MW Offshore Wind Farm Near Vandenberg

Floventis Energy and the Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Indians on Nov. 8 signed a community benefits agreement for a floating wind farm that is expected to be operational years before deployment of California's larger-scale wind projects in the Morro Bay and Humboldt federal lease areas.
State Lands Commission Advances Offshore Wind Demonstration Project

The California Wind Energy Association (澳门百老汇网站网址) today praised the State Lands Commission for advancing two proposed offshore wind demonstration projects near Vandenberg Air Force Base. “This decision is an important step forward to make floating offshore wind a reality for California,” said Nancy Rader, Executive Director of 澳门百老汇网站网址.
澳门百老汇网站网址 Members Advance in UK Floating Offshore Technology Demonstration Program

澳门百老汇网站网址 Issues Letter to Biden Administration re Proposed DRECP Amendments
In a letter to Biden Administration officials, 澳门百老汇网站网址 explains why the proposed amendments to the Desert Renewable Energy Conservation Plan (DRECP), issued in the final days of the Trump Administration, are potentially consistent with President Biden's Executive Order on Tackling the Climate Crisis. The DRECP resulted in completely shutting down wind energy development in vast California federal lands, and a course correction is needed to enable the wind energy development that was envisioned by the plan.
Wind Advocates Press for Natural Gas Plant Retirement Planning
In video meetings with CPUC Commissioners' offices this week, 澳门百老汇网站网址 teamed up with the Business Network for Offshore Wind and Offshore Wind California to explain the critical linkages between planning for gas-plant retirements, transmission upgrades, and offshore wind grid access in achieving the state's greenhouse gas goals cost-effectively and while prioritizing disadvantaged communities most affected by poor air quality.
Governor Newsom Signs 澳门百老汇网站网址-Sponsored Bill, AB 1584

October 2, 2019 -- The California Wind Energy Association (澳门百老汇网站网址) today expressed gratitude to Governor Newsom for signing AB 1584, a bill authored by Assemblymember Bill Quirk and sponsored by 澳门百老汇网站网址.
AB 1584, once implemented by the CPUC, will send cost signals to encourage load-serving entities (LSEs) to make decisions that reduce the need for system integration resources.
Renewable energy groups urge legislative action to stabilize utilities and enhance climate resilience

SACRAMENTO, Calif., June 28, 2019 — California’s wind, solar, geothermal, and bioenergy industries today commend Governor Newsom and legislative leaders for introducing legislation, AB 1054, to stabilize California’s energy markets in the wake of unprecedented wildfires and climate catastrophes. Legislative action is necessary to ensure reliability, affordability, and sustained progress toward critical renewable energy and carbon reduction requirements.
澳门百老汇网站网址 Expresses Confidence in Governor Newsom's Strike Force Report

April 12, 2019--The California Wind Energy Association (澳门百老汇网站网址) today expressed confidence in Governor Newsom’s leadership in addressing a broad range of issues relating to wildfires based on a report of the Governor’s “strike force” issued today.